How it works
Is it really serious?
Your ceremony is heartfelt and meaningful but always fun too! It’s important to include some amusing moments to lighten what can be, at times, quite an emotional mood. It’s lovely during the ceremony to see the audience laughing, crying, smiling. Sometimes there are important messages to share, support to acknowledge, and always love to celebrate. However this is achieved depends on the couple’s wishes.
What time of year can we have our ceremony in the mountains?
All year round. The seasons here are amazing and just as beautiful as one another. In winter there are some spectacular altitude locations with breath-taking views that are accessible whether you can ski or not! It may be a case of jumping in a 4×4 van or a short walk through snow – but it’s all part of the Alpine wedding experience! In summertime the skies are blue and at the height of the season in July/August temperatures soar, so it may be necessary to bring a brolly to shade from the sunshine.
What time will the Celebrant arrive?
About an hour before, to ensure everything is set and the Groom is still standing. Just kidding! But it’s then that reality (and the emotion of the occasion) is usually realised. This also allows time to say hello to the Bride before the ceremony begins, to give proud Dad a quick pep talk and ensure any bridesmaids are ready to start the procession.
What time will the Celebrant leave?
Guests often have lots of questions/feedback, so after the ceremony I love to stay for a drink and mingle. After an hour or so I’ll say goodbye and creep away before you sit for dinner and later start dancing on the tables!
Can you help us write our vows?
Sure. I’ve lots of examples of words I’ve written on couples’ behalf and those they’ve crafted themselves. They’re great as a starting point. Some are serious, some more funny, most are a mixture of the two. There’s no script. And the most important thing of all is that they are unique and tailored to you. After all, they’re your promises to one another.
Can we have a ‘themed’ wedding?
Yes of course. Ceremonies often follow a pretty traditional format, but it’s the personal elements that really make it special, so you are welcome to theme your celebration as you wish. Imagine a ‘Onesie’ wedding (yes, it has happened!), a Harry Potter theme or a literally ‘Pink’ wedding.
What about the ‘legal’ bit?
It’s advisable, and much more straightforward, to register your marriage in your home country, usually before you travel to France for your celebration. However, everything else including saying your vows and exchanging rings can be included in your ceremony in the mountains. I can advise on what you need to do.
What about helping with the planning/management of our wedding?
Yes, in addition to designing, writing and conducting your unique ceremony, I can offer some assistance with the organisation and coordination of your wedding celebration, including deciding/planning what you want, sourcing and coordinating suppliers, even offering coordination on the day. I’ve forged close links with a number of business owners in the French Alps – with some venues available exclusively – adding an extra special touch to your celebration. My little black book is bursting with local vendors that I work regularly with, and trust, so in all ways I’ll ensure that the lead up to your celebration is relaxed, straightforward and fun, as well as the on the day itself.

Is it a religious or non-religious ceremony?
Neither! I’m neither a religious minister or a secular Humanist celebrant – instead respecting the wishes, beliefs and individuality of every couple. Rather than the one-size-fits-all, ‘insert name here’ ceremony that is so typical, and what you may have experienced when attending other people’s weddings, yours is unique. It can include religious, cultural, symbolic elements – or not – just as you like. What’s important is that it reflects your personalities, backgrounds and characters.
How long will the ceremony last?
Every one is different, but after weeks/months of preparation, the actual ceremony is usually about 30 minutes long. In winter it’s a little shorter, allowing everyone to get inside and warm up with a glass of vin chaud or chocolat chaud!
What will the Celebrant wear?
In summertime, smart dress and heels to compliment the bridal party and reflect your dress code. But as the officiant, there are no fascinators in sight for me. I’m not a guest, although often audience members assume that I’m a long-standing friend of the family and I love that.
In winter my uniform is a warm, fluffy cape, salopettes and snow boots. Even the Bride and Groom often wear thermals under their finery! With winter temperatures typically around freezing, even when it’s bright and sunny, warm layers are definitely the order of the day. There’s time to ‘posh up’ later!
Can we input our own ideas?
Of course. Please do. After all, it’s your ceremony – your story. The more you share, the more personal your ceremony is. The more personal, the more connected everyone feels. And your guests really get to know you. You’re welcoming them into your lives as you begin a new chapter. It’s an exciting and moving time for everyone.
Is there a limit to how many friends and family we can have?
Not at all. You can invite however many guests you like. Because any venue can be your wedding venue there are few restrictions. So whether it’s an altitude restaurant, a lakeside location or an intimate location hidden away in the mountains, invite just who you’d like to share your occasion.
Can we have a rehearsal?
Yes. This is wise, especially with larger groups as the logistics tend to be more extensive. This way everyone knows what to do when, any last-minute queries can be taken care of and you’ll get a feel ‘in-situ’ for what is to come on the day.
Can you help us with finding a location for our ceremony?
Yes, I’d be delighted. This is another of the services I offer. Spending so much time locally and knowing the area so well, I’ve some favourite locations that you may not discover yourselves and I’d love to introduce you to them.


How it works
the consultation/discovery call…
we have a chat so you can tell me about you, where you’re at so far and how you’d love your ceremony to feel. This can happen on the phone but Skype /Facetime/Zoom is even better, so I can see the dynamic between you. There’s no charge for this. It just helps us get to know each other and ensure we’re a good fit.
the proposal…
after the consultation I’ll provide you with a proposal, carrying an overview of our conversation, of what’s included and your all-inclusive project fee.
the deposit…
if you accept my proposal a deposit of approximately 30% of the project fee is due, the balance as advised. You can pay this by bank transfer and to keep it easy all prices are in pounds sterling.
the design…
based on your proposal, I’ll create a bespoke design for your wedding ceremony/celebration and you can be as involved in the process as you like.
the creation…
getting to know you through calls and emails, I’ll write and design the choreography of your ceremony personally. It’s a very organic process, different for every couple, geared to suit your needs and schedule. It’s like having a friendly guide supporting you along the way – someone who’s been there plenty of times before, without getting caught up in the emotions and roller-coaster experience that for so many a wedding can be – ensuring your celebration is perfect and exactly as you imagine. You’ll of course have the opportunity to revise the draft script once it’s crafted too, making any amends you wish.
the delivery…
we’ll meet once you’re in resort for a walk/talk through your ceremony. Then I’ll arrive early on the day, ensuring all is as planned, directing and conducing your ceremony (and guests!) ensuring everyone knows what to do when and your ceremony runs smoothly.
Kept nice and straightforward. Following our initial conversation an all-inclusive fee, based on your individual requirements, is emailed to you. The next step is to accept it, pay the requested deposit and you’re all set.
It’s Going to be Perfect!
Let’s Plan Your Big Day!
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